A Letter to the Editor - Iron County Today
February 19, 2020
February 2019 - very bleak. A school board, ignoring the wishes of the majority of the community chose to eradicate a name and therefore marginalize a minority who struggles even now to remain visible in the 21st century.
Transparency, Integrity, Ethics, and Accountability are expected from our public officials but this is one case in which none of these ideals existed in a body responsible for the children in Iron County.
1. There was no actual identifiable justification for change. Bullying? No reports filed as required by law. Racist? No demonstrable racism with any harmful effects of a name was proven. Social ills among the Native Americans were cited, but causal links of those social ills to a High School name and proof that a name change will resolve problems was not proven - a false narrative.
2. National polls indicate 91% of Native Americans prefer teams keep names like Redskins, Braves, Warriors, REDMEN, and Indians. An overwhelming majority of Native Americans prefer Education to Eradication.
3. School Board members say there was no outside influences however, “Not My Mascot” signs waved at the school board meeting were provided by “Answer Coalition” a national far left organization supporting communist regimes.
4. Students were given an outline of procedures in choosing a new name and those procedures were not followed. They had no VOICE.
5. Community committee was hand picked and then given information 99% slanted for change largely from the Center for American Progress an organization funded by George Soros. No real research performed was by the committee to ascertain the pros and cons of a name change. No schools interviewed who had changed or not changed. School Board president told media they were in no hurry to make a change and would review thoroughly - 10 days later the vote was held.
6. Aug. 28, 2018 school board recording indicates that change had been decided thus making the public forums a sham and insult to the community.
We the people should not walk away thinking “Oh Well it’s done even though it was shameful what can I do? Did the sons of liberty walk away? We the people must disagree and point out misuse of power, to do so civilly is not being contentious, it is being - American. The elected school board did not hear the majority of their constituents and more importantly they did not allow for real dialogue or research the issue thoroughly. This resulted in lack of transparency, integrity, ethics and accountability. All of this can be reversed by citizens reclaiming power by participating in School Board Meetings, becoming informed and asking future candidates for any office the tough questions. Our democratic government is not a theocracy and those in power were not put there by divine appointment. We can question, disagree, and remove if we the people determine that is necessary.
We can restore and rise even stronger in the future as the community discusses, debates, and demands transparency and accountability from our future elected officials. February 2020 is looking better and looking forward to 2021.
Voices of Iron County Education
Tony Kociela
Sheryl Stratton
TaMara Henderson
Daniel Houchen
Transparency, Integrity, Ethics, and Accountability are expected from our public officials but this is one case in which none of these ideals existed in a body responsible for the children in Iron County.
1. There was no actual identifiable justification for change. Bullying? No reports filed as required by law. Racist? No demonstrable racism with any harmful effects of a name was proven. Social ills among the Native Americans were cited, but causal links of those social ills to a High School name and proof that a name change will resolve problems was not proven - a false narrative.
2. National polls indicate 91% of Native Americans prefer teams keep names like Redskins, Braves, Warriors, REDMEN, and Indians. An overwhelming majority of Native Americans prefer Education to Eradication.
3. School Board members say there was no outside influences however, “Not My Mascot” signs waved at the school board meeting were provided by “Answer Coalition” a national far left organization supporting communist regimes.
4. Students were given an outline of procedures in choosing a new name and those procedures were not followed. They had no VOICE.
5. Community committee was hand picked and then given information 99% slanted for change largely from the Center for American Progress an organization funded by George Soros. No real research performed was by the committee to ascertain the pros and cons of a name change. No schools interviewed who had changed or not changed. School Board president told media they were in no hurry to make a change and would review thoroughly - 10 days later the vote was held.
6. Aug. 28, 2018 school board recording indicates that change had been decided thus making the public forums a sham and insult to the community.
We the people should not walk away thinking “Oh Well it’s done even though it was shameful what can I do? Did the sons of liberty walk away? We the people must disagree and point out misuse of power, to do so civilly is not being contentious, it is being - American. The elected school board did not hear the majority of their constituents and more importantly they did not allow for real dialogue or research the issue thoroughly. This resulted in lack of transparency, integrity, ethics and accountability. All of this can be reversed by citizens reclaiming power by participating in School Board Meetings, becoming informed and asking future candidates for any office the tough questions. Our democratic government is not a theocracy and those in power were not put there by divine appointment. We can question, disagree, and remove if we the people determine that is necessary.
We can restore and rise even stronger in the future as the community discusses, debates, and demands transparency and accountability from our future elected officials. February 2020 is looking better and looking forward to 2021.
Voices of Iron County Education
Tony Kociela
Sheryl Stratton
TaMara Henderson
Daniel Houchen