VOICE is a registered PAC in the state of Utah. Donations will be used for professional services such as accountants, lawyers, computer experts, consultants etc. Also, media spots, informational publications and future Iron County School Board campaigns. Our goal includes retaining or reinstating the Redmen name for 2020, but we are fighting for much more than just a name change. As we have learned about the change of the Redmen name many things have come to light about the Iron County School Board. These include, lack of transparency, lack of ethics, lack of listening to their constituents, and flat out lying to the public. We are happy that you are interested in joining us to improve education in Iron County. You expect as we do Transparency, Integrity, Ethics and Accountability in all of our public officials.
Please "Connect with us" to be notified of updates and let us know of your concerns with education in Iron County. Our kids are worth it.
Please "Connect with us" to be notified of updates and let us know of your concerns with education in Iron County. Our kids are worth it.
Voices Of Iron County Education is a registered non-profit organization in the State of Utah. Information regarding that registration can be found at the following state website. https://secure.utah.gov/bes/details.html?entity=11323076-0140